Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Toward Jihad in Scholarship

Iranians are heading toward a Jihad in Knowledge. After baning the philosophy day in Tehran by UN - because of political pressures - & terrorizing the Iranian scientists and scholars, it is more clear that Iran is on the true way.

We all want the peace & happiness for every one; But we know USA & Zionism don't like it actually. They know just terror, war, genocide & etc.

We trying more and more to ascend the mountains of knowledge and that's for sure.

As the leader said, we need the Jihad in scholarship and all areas.
Terrorism cannot stop this jihad even we try our best.

"Indeed, morning is their appointed time. Is not the morning near?"     "Holy Qurán, Hud, 81"

Monday, November 15, 2010

An Open Letter to UNESCO

Open Letter of the Union of Islamic Students Associations in Europe for the Attention of the Director-General of UNESCO:

Ms. Irina Bokova, Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,
Distinguished Ambassadors and Representatives to UNESCO Headquarters,

The regrettable and inadmissible decision of UNESCO, consisting of cancelling its participation in the celebration of World Philosophy Day in Iran, has provoked the concern and astonishment of the scientific and cultural community and in particular of students and academics. This concern is all the more reinforced as the Director-General of UNESCO has, through her unexpected and unjustifiable decision, unilaterally cancelled its commitments and endangered the reputation and credibility of this Organization in ceding to political pressure and media blackmail.

As an international institution dedicated to teaching and education, UNESCO has a duty to be exemplary in the matter of sincerity, transparency and Justice. Should it be otherwise, we cannot count on the beneficial cultural and educational influence on the part of an organization which does not devote itself to the qualities of a benevolent tutor and educator. It is greatly regrettable that, despite the Assistant Director-General of UNESCO’s trip to Iran in order to carry out the necessary arrangements with regard to the organization of the celebration of World Philosophy Day, the Director-General of UNESCO has taken the political and anti-cultural decision to withdraw UNESCO’s support for this international celebration, with neither prior notice nor valid reason, and has justified this decision by claiming in a completely unfounded manner that “the conditions necessary to guarantee the effective organization of a UN international conference have not been met”.

Dialogue and exchange in the framework of mutual respect are the foundations of human civilization and cultural diversity. Cultural embargo and scientific apartheid block the route to knowledge and wisdom, and intensify the cultural problems, already complicated, of the modern world. In a context in which domineering interference of the Great powers has already confronted the functioning of international organizations with a crisis of legitimacy, this new decision of UNESCO will doubtless undermine in an irreversible manner the credibility and the reputation of international organizations, and in particular of UNESCO.

The Union of Islamic Students Associations in Europe (UISA), nearly half a century old and in its capacity as the principal gathering of Iranian students and Muslim Persian-speaking students, accompanied by fifty-eight Islamic associations which are members of this union, firmly condemns the decision of the Director-General, which it considers as being in complete disaccord with the founding principles of UNESCO. The members of this Union, as well as those of the member associations, call for the immediate annulment of this decision and, in joining the whole of the cultural and academic community, campaign in order to place on the agenda as an absolute priority the assiduous pursuit of this question until a satisfactory solution is obtained.

Awaiting a constructive reaction on the part of the Director-General and high authorities of UNESCO, please accept the assurances of our highest consideration.

Union of Islamic Students Associations in Europe

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Lonesome Death of Rachel Corrie

Artist: Billy Bragg
Song: The Lonesome Death of Rachel Corrie
Year: 2006
Genre: Blues
URL: http://audio.theguardian.tv/sys-audio/Guardian/audio/2006/03/27/RachelCorrie.mp3

Billy Bragg - Rachel Corrie .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

An Israeli bulldozer killed poor Rachel Corrie
As she stood in its path in the town of Rafah
She lost her young life in an act of compassion
Trying to protect the poor people of Gaza
Whose homes are destroyed by tank shells and bulldozers
And whose plight is exploited by suicide bombers
Who kill in the name of the people of Gaza
But Rachel Corrie believed in non-violent resistance
Put herself in harm's way as a shield of the people
And paid with her life in a manner most brutal

But you who philosophise disgrace and criticise all fears,
Take the rag away from your face.
Now ain't the time for your tears.

Rachel Corrie had 23 years
She was born in the town of Olympia, Washington
A skinny, messy, list-making chain-smoker
Who volunteered to protect the Palestinian people
Who had become non-persons in the eyes of the media
So that people were suffering and no one was seeing
Or hearing or talking or caring or acting
And the horrible math of the awful equation
That brought Rachel Corrie into this confrontation
Is that the spilt blood of a single American
Is worth more than the blood of a hundred Palestinians

But you who philosophise disgrace and criticise all fears,
Take the rag away from your face.
Now ain't the time for your tears.

The artistic director of a New York theatre
Cancelled a play based on Rachel's writings
But she wasn't a bomber or a killer or fighter
But one who acted in the spirit of the Freedom Riders
Is there no place for a voice in America
That doesn't conform to the Fox News agenda?
Who believes in non-violence instead of brute force
Who is willing to confront the might of an army
Whose passionate beliefs were matched by her bravery
The question she asked rings out round the world
If America is truly the beacon of freedom
Then how can it stand by while they bring down the curtain
And turn Rachel Corrie into a non-person?

Oh, but you who philosophise disgrace and criticise all fears,
Bury the rag deep in your face
For now's the time for your tears.

Rachel Corrie

 When Zionism Sees No One


RTB rachel corrie.mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Time To Go!

Afghanistan: Troops home now
Demonstrate London 20 Nov
HOW YOU CAN HELP: Call 0207 801 2768 or email office@stopwar.org.uk

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A World Campain to Condemn Desecration of Holy Qurán

In the name of God
O People of the Book, let's begin to say that we are identical till we worship God not taking him into partnership and anyone of us won't worship any other divinities except the One and Unique God.
Surah Al-E-Imran, verse 64

All divine religions are of Abraham descent. The Jewish, Christian and Islamic religions originate from Hanif Abraham's religion which is the source of the human knowledge. Quran is also truly the abstract of all the human principals; that's why impudently insult to Holy Quran, burning it is a real inhuman and disgusting act that hurt the theists all over the world and made ashamed all the Human Rights' pretenders. It is really regrettable when we hear that Messiah's adherents committed this unforgettable act despite the fact that Jesus Christ is the symbol of peace, kindness and tenderness. He is the prophet of greatness, purity, sincerity and affection such as his mother who is one of the empyrean's pure progenies, and his school is the school of humanity and affection. That's because we all expect that his adherents believe in Mohammad's religion. The most important thing is that all divine religions are due to human mind such as a unique ghost which is the ghost of the blessed and supreme Lord. Burning Quran is therefore an unforgettable insult to God and his prophet, even though all men should prevent from affronting to sacred things of any religion, according to religious trainings. It is evident that the National Zionism accompanied with who affronted to Quran, as its inhuman crimes' history shows. So, we want all theists to condemn such disgraceful acts which are enemies' intrigues as well as a sign of polytheism, expecting Muslims to protest against these blasphemies expressing their religious zeal. We also want the libertarians to participate in different manifestations around the world to condemn these profanities.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Body of Lies

9/11 : What Really Happened?!


Afghanistan War

Iraq War

9/11 ; Truth Now !

Who Was Behind 9/11 ?!

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Small shops Israel boycott goes nation-wide in Scotland

Anti-Israel boycott by Muslim shops goes Scotland-wide

Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign

c/o Peace & Justice Centre
Princes Street
E-mail: campaign@scottishpsc.org.uk
Telephone: 00 44 (0)131 620 0052